Aleph - December 2021

Tasting notes from today’s build:

1.  Texture = 
#1 80n, #2 80n + NOS Ge, #3 80n + Silicon 1N914

2. Squelch in middle, Texture #1 is loudest, most “open” setting = 80n solo.

3. Single-coils will like counter-clockwise on the Shave.  Humbuckers will like clockwise.

4. Squelch in #3 and texture in #2 has best volume clean-up.

5. To get into fuzz territory, Gain at 3:00 or higher.

6.  Unity seems to be right around 1:30-2:00 on the Output, but it changes the more you crank the Gain (of course).

7. Don’t be afraid to dime the Gain and the Output, it hits a tube amp in a really nice way.

8. I’m REALLY happy with it.